Autumn Vegetables with Millet

1 large onion, chopped
3 stalks celery, cut in about 1/2 inch pieces
garlic to taste
1 chayote squash, peeled and cut in about 1-1/2 inch chunks
1 yam peeled and cut the same
½ zucchini chopped
2 or three carrots, peeled and cut the same
2 tomatoes chopped with juice
1 8-oz can garbanzo beans
1 t chile
1 T fresh oregano
1 T fresh thyme
1 T fresh basil
Fresh cilantro (optional) for garnish
About 1 cup (dry) of millet, cooked
Dry saute the onions, garlic and celery, adding a little water to the
pan as they start to stick. Add the fresh vegetables and put the lid
on the pan for about 5 minutes, maybe adding a little water if it
seems too dry. Add the tomatoes and garbanzos, let it heat through
and serve it over the millet.